5 reasons on ->

<-why people is hard to share something whether a good one or the bad one such as problem to others :)
here some rational reasons :

  1. people dont know how to tell.they afraid their story will make the listeners feeling boring 
  2. people dont want to burden anyone as they keep telling a listener a story.they actually dont realize that they are burden theirself by keeping this secret/problems/story alone .
  3. people hate to see fake smile and laugh from the listener .they understand that the listener is trying to take care of their heart by giving a reaction ,however the people dont like it as they prefer a sincere and honest opinion .
  4. people is doubting the listener.they afraid that the listener will tell the different story to others by adding unnecessary fact and adding the fake one .this will cause the people to get a bad impression by others.
  5. this last reason connected to the above,people is  no longer trust anyone.after what had happened and being betray by the listener.haha
despite on that,
*we shouldn't keep something by our own.it could affect our mentally and physically growth so do our psychology .
* as for the listener,you should hold your trust and keep it nicely.regarding to islam ,pecah amanah adalah tanda orang munafik.susah masuk syurga :)

p/s :i write this based on my experience and my friends but we're more to number four and five .theres nothing to do with someone/something whether it alive or vice versa .tqvm <3


  1. yeah i hate to see fake smiles too xD
    but i hate being shy more @@

  2. haha .well .that so you :)

  3. sys pun susah nk percya org. org kata sys macam burung merpati.. (merpati ke?)ekekeke senang nak dekat susah nak dapat agagaga

  4. Assalamualaikum

    Aiyak ! keciknya tulisan..orng x rabun pun leh jadi rabun hhehe..apa-apa pun ..luahkan segalanya tetapi bertapis agar tak menjejaskan mental dan fizikal kan =)

  5. sys una :hee .were same :)

    novelgurl :huhu .sorry.default font mmg kecil .size font normal sebenarnya :)

  6. kdg2 hanye bercerita pd org yg mmg kite trust pn.. XD takpenah lg la pk negatif pd org2 yg kte pcaye..sbb kte kenal kn.. ? =)

  7. yg teguran pasal font tu awak pergi dekat html cari font size dekat situ , kalau x tau tanya amiey :) kalau boleh membantu okay.

    back to topic ,

    Sometimes i prefer being fake smile for my love , i'm scared she will be sad if i cry.
    alamak touching lak .

  8. sys mira :hee .yepp2.
    that for sure. :))

    amiey white :hee.thanks for your guidance :)
    plus ,yepp.sometimes being fake for our loves one is needed :)

  9. I think the fifth reason suits me.

    Nice post. I love this! ;)

  10. sys zaty :hee .thank youu :)

    sys mida : hee .not really laa sys :)


such a big honour to know theres someone read my entry .
tqvm :D