leaving .

i decide to deactivate my facebook account for some personal reason .ill be missing all my network social friends.they're all being good to me even they dont know me .i learn so many things here ,i got a lot of friends ,i saw many variety of people and others . 

  • dear  mark zuckerberg ,thanks for creating this nicely social network .it has been good to me since my first time i used it. hee . :)
last day online :)

past few days ,ive been so lazy to confirm friend request and others annoying request .i dont know why .i was  excited of doing these things last year ,but no longer .so do 'pokes' .when i first open my facebook ,il poke back people that pokes me ,however lately ,i ignore it .maybe because i dont know all those people.  --* .

last word ,sayonara !  tata titi tutu.bye bye , my dearest facebook ^^


  1. wow byknyer friend request :o
    friend request ak kalau sebulan xon9 pun ntah ad ker tak de lah

  2. me too :)
    wanna to deactve annoying fb :)

  3. wow . hehe . pemes u ! :)

  4. raji :haha.tu bukan sehari laa .beberapa hari jugk .

    sys yana :hee .yok yok :)

    sys qlah :haha.ta laa .ta se pemes sys :)

  5. sys una pun pnh activate tpi rse cm kosong.. hehe pastu active balik


such a big honour to know theres someone read my entry .
tqvm :D